4 Luxury Kitchen Gadgets to Elevate Your Home

Barry Cohen


Take Your Kitchen to the Next Level With These Four Revolutionary Appliances

A top-notch kitchen is a must in any house. Arguably the most important room in the home, the kitchen is not only where food is stored—it’s also where masterful meals are prepared and come to life. Not only that, but it’s where most people gather, so if you plan on hosting, a first-rate kitchen is necessary.
One way to improve your kitchen is to update your gadgets and appliances. Here are four luxury kitchen technologies that will take your home to the next level, helping you craft delicious dishes.

Breville Pizzaiolo Smart Countertop Oven

The taste of a wood-fired pizza is hard to beat. With the Breville Pizzaiolo Smart Countertop Oven, you can achieve that greatness right at home. Boasting seven different presets and a Smart iQ system, you’ll get the perfect pizza every time. This small countertop oven can reach temperatures up to 750 degrees and mimic the heating pattern of a wood oven, utilizing radiant and convection heat. The Smart iQ system can adjust the heating elements, ensuring perfect cooking every time. Oh yeah--and your pizza will be done in two minutes. 

Lever Press Espresso Machine

There’s nothing like starting your day with a fresh espresso made with a level press. Lever press machines don’t just make a spectacular cup of coffee, they are also beautiful. Dripping with old-world class, they are perfect for any coffee aficionado (the word espresso literally translates to “ pressed out coffee”). Because you have to manually work the lever, every sip is that much sweeter knowing your hands pressed the shot.

Thermomix Tm6 Smart Food Processor Oven

This gadget is an all-inclusive apparatus. The Thermomix TM6 does the job of multiple appliances all in one, being able to chop and slice, fry, and steam. It can even knead dough and slow cook. Not only that, but the sous-vide feature on the Thermomix can tenderize meat as well as prep veggies. Add in a touchscreen display and weighted scale, and the Thermox Smart Food Processor is a must-have.

Smarter Electric Ikettle

What if the comfort of a cozy cup of tea was waiting for when you walked in the door? With the Smarter Electric iKettle, it’s possible. The kettle is fully compatible with Wi-Fi and 4G and can even be synched with the Amazon Alexa smart speaker. Use the Smarter App to boil water from anywhere, or use the wakeup mode to have water boiling when you get out of bed. 

For more ways to upgrade your home, check our blog. If you’re looking to buy or sell a piece of Toronto real estate, contact us today. It would be our pleasure to serve as your Toronto real estate agents and help you through the process.


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